Author: Terri Maurer

  • VBS Success

    Our VBS was a huge success again this year! We had an average daily attendance of 39, and the vast majority were not members of North Main or the Lord’s…

  • How To: Share the Gospel

    Most Christians seem to struggle with how to share the gospel. It can be intimidating to start a conversation or to discuss another person’s beliefs. While Paul was in Athens…

  • Baptism is a “Must”

    In Acts 16, the Apostle Paul was beaten and “thrown” into prison along with Silas shortly after the conversion of Lydia (Acts 16:23-24). The dark cell did not deter the…

  • An “Opened” Heart

    In Acts 16, after spending a few days in Philippi, Paul finds a woman named Lydia just outside the city. She is “a seller of purple fabrics” who gathered at…

  • God’s Promise of Forgiveness

    The forgiveness of our sins, is a promise made by God and made possible through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Forgiveness is a cleansing. In 1 Corinthians…

  • Saul, Saul, Why…?

    When Jesus spoke to Saul in Acts 9, He asked, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4). The Lord’s question reveals many things that we might often consider,…

  • Two Men – One Gospel

    In Acts 8, we read the conversion account of the Ethiopian Eunuch. While there are many lessons to take away from these events, consider some differences and similarities between Philip…

  • Am I saved?

    While God’s incredible promises fill the Bible…one of the greatest is the assurance that we can know whether or not we are saved from our sins. In 1 John 5:13,…

  • Preparing for the Best

    Friends and Family Day is just two weeks away, and having as many visitors in the building as members can present some fantastic opportunities that we need to consider. Prepare…

  • What Persecution Can Do

    Imagine being a Christian converted on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Your sins have been forgiven, and you feel a spiritual peace “which surpasses all comprehension” (Philippians 4:7). The…