
  • Am I Kind?

    One command or instruction in the Bible that may be more difficult to obey than we realize is the commandment to “be kind.” Paul wrote, “Be kind to one another,…

  • 2023 Fellowship Opportunities!

    Wonderful things are happening at North Main Street! This year we have several fellowship and growth opportunities on the calendar designed and intended to encourage and strengthen us spiritually. Please…

  • Are You Willing?

    Honest self-examination is a critical part of living a faithful Christian life. In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul wrote, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!”…

  • Shepherds of the Flock

    By God’s perfect design, every congregation of the Lord’s church should have qualified men serving as elders. In Acts 14, as Paul and his traveling companions visited different cities, “they…

  • More Than a Meal

    One of the most unique and important blessings of living a Christian life is fellowship. More than a meal we might share, the word “fellowship” is used in the Bible…

  • A Healthy Church

    What comes to mind when you think about the word “healthy”? Maybe you picture a plate of food like broccoli or fresh fruit. Perhaps you imagine a person exercising by…

  • The Other Ethiopian

    Do you remember the Ethiopian eunuch? You may be thinking about the man in Acts 8 who was studying from the prophet Isaiah when Phillip ran to catch up to…

  • The First Converts to Christ

    In Acts 2, Peter preached to thousands of Jewish people. His sermon perfectly explained who Jesus was, why He came, and what He accomplished while He was here. Peter also…

  • New Every Morning

    With a new year comes excitement—new experiences, challenges, and goals. As the calendar changes, we can easily remember the past and anxiously look forward to the future. A new year…

  • A Very Special Day

    Today is special. On this day, we gather together with people we love, share important memories from the past, and enjoy wonderful gifts. It is a day that most of…