Bulletin Article

  • Pay Attention!

    It is sometimes difficult for me (and my son, who has inherited this weakness) to pay attention. We have all experienced becoming distracted or losing focus at times in our…

  • Jesus Is Far Better

    The book of Hebrews proves that Jesus is greater than any Old Testament leader, prophet, or law. Consider a few of the statements made in just the first two verses…

  • Necessary Growth

    Growth is a necessary part of life. If children don’t grow, parents and doctors become concerned. When plants don’t grow, gardeners wonder what went wrong. When Christians don’t grow in…

  • A Perfect Picture

    For the last six years or so, since Julie and I have been blessed with children, we have both taken a lot (many thousands) of pictures. From time to time,…

  • True Repentance

    True repentance takes place when a person turns completely away from sin and entirely toward God. In Acts 2:38, Peter tells the crowd who had recently rejected Jesus and endorsed…

  • Reconciliation to God

    One of the most significant biblical principals that we find in God’s word is the idea of spiritual reconciliation. Reconciliation is the process by which something or some relationship is…

  • Eternal Sanctification

    Sanctification is the process by which Christians are set apart from the world for a very important reason. Not only are we separated from sin and sinful living but by…

  • Justification

    Justification is the result of being justified and is a critical part of Christianity. To be spiritually justified is not to be found innocent of sin, but because the necessary…


    As with every other aspect of life, God cares how you vote. It influences the morality of society, aids in retention of our founding religious freedoms, and shapes the parameters…

  • Connecting the Dots

    In our Wednesday night class, we have been “Connecting the Dots” as we have surveyed the Old Testament. One of the most remarkable connections we can make is the tie…