Bulletin Article

  • The Sure Word of Prophecy

    One of the great proofs of the Bible and Christianity is found in the numerous Old Testament prophecies looking forward to the coming of Christ. The apostle Peter refers to…

  • Striving Together

    Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi encouraged them to “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:27). …

  • Love of the Brethren

    Love of the brethren is an essential part of the Christian life. Peter wrote, “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love…

  • Is It Wrong to Take a Little Social Drink?

    (Taken from the December 28, 1975 Bulletin) This reminds me of dear old brother J.D. Tant’s answer to a similar question. He said “I suppose it is no more sin…

  • The World’s Influence

    The Book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom – wisdom on how to live one’s life.  One of its early pieces of advice is this: “My son, if sinners…

  • Bible Correspondence Course

    In order to promote Bible knowledge, we would like for each member of the congregation to help us promote our Bible Correspondence Course entitled “Getting to Know Jesus.”  The course…

  • Calling Evil Good

    The prophet Isaiah pronounced a series of six woes upon the sinful nation of his day. One of those woes went like this: “Woe unto them that call evil good,…

  • The Candy Give-Away

    Last Tuesday evening some of our people participated in the local “Trick or Treat” event. Some of you have asked me about it so I thought I would at least…

  • How To Be Sure

    We humans like to be sure.  It’s just our nature.  We want to be sure that the house is locked, the bills are paid, the children are safe and a…

  • Working Righteousness

    The apostle Peter in his opening words at the house of Cornelius stated two important truths about God.  First, he said: “Of a truth I perceive that God is no…