
  • How We Treat Others Matters to God

    It is nearly impossible to read the Bible without seeing that God cares about how we treat others. It mattered to God how Cain treated Abel, how Abraham treated Lot,…

  • Our Worship Matters to God

    When Christians assemble “on the first day of every week” (1 Corinthians 16:2), as we might expect, God cares about who, how, and why we worship. God cares about who…

  • Standing on God’s Promise of Prayer

    While promises that give us faith, hope, and comfort fill God’s word, one of the most incredible is His promise to hear and answer our prayers. In Proverbs 15:23, we…

  • Belonging to God

    God has always demonstrated great love and concern for His people. In the Old Testament, we read that God blessed Abraham, the Israelites (a nation of people), and so many…

  • God Cares About You

    It is remarkable to think that God, who created the universe, who spoke our world into existence, who is all-powerful and omnipresent, also knows and cares about you and me.…

  • Fellowship Opportunities

    This year, we have several fellowship and growth opportunities on the calendar designed and intended to encourage and strengthen us spiritually. Please take note of the events below and make…

  • God’s Promises

    Throughout our lives, we will make countless promises…perhaps more than we should (Matthew 5:37). As children; we might promise our parents that we will “be good,” or as adults, we…

  • Comfort in Tragedy

    Tragedy in our lives should cause us to find comfort in God. One night, as Christians gathered together on the first day of the week, Paul preached an especially long…

  • Do Not Be Afraid

    On at least three occasions during the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, an angel sent from God gave comfort by saying, “Do not be afraid.” As the angel Gabriel…

  • The Letter v. The Spirit

    In 2 Corinthians 3, as Paul defends himself and his ministry, he describes a few differences between “the letter” and “the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:6). In reading through the chapter,…