Author: Jered Markman

  • Warning!

    The Old Testament gives us writings of prophets who spoke of a coming Messiah but also tells of false prophets who spoke against God. In 2 Peter 2, Peter warns…

  • Three Perfect Reasons

    In 2 Corinthians 2, Paul gives three reasons why he wrote the previous letter of 1 Corinthians: To prepare for his return (2:3): Paul wanted the Corinthians to be spiritually…

  • Apostolic Authority

    The apostles were a unique group of men sent into the world with an extraordinary message. In 2 Peter 1, Peter explains to the early church just how unique they…

  • In All That You Do

    At the end of 1 Corinthians, Paul give concise and final instructions to the church at Corinth. After strongly encouraging them to mature in their faith and set their divisions…

  • Motherhood: No Miracles Necessary

    The Bible holds several examples of wonderful mothers. Jochebed, the mother of Moses, went to great lengths to provide for his safety during a dangerous time. Hanna faithfully prayed to…

  • The Example of Elders

    We are fortunate to have three qualified and capable elders at North Main. In 1 Peter 5, Peter describes the role of elders in the church as those who “shepherd…

  • God’s Glory Revealed

    Seeing people wear masks at the store, gas station, or on the news is a new experience. In a responsible effort to slow or stop the spread of illness, face…

  • God’s Design and Desire

    In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul describes the church as a “body,” in fact, as the body of Christ (12:12-27). In verse eighteen, he writes, “But now God has placed the…

  • Empty Pews

    There is no annual date on which we have authorization or divine command to remember the Lord’s resurrection; we assemble to worship God every first day of the week. While…