Author: Matt Langfield

  • Another Reason for Thanks

    In Psalm 139, David’s praise, worship, and thankfulness focus on God’s unique qualities of omnipotence (being all-powerful), omniscience (knowing all things), and omnipresence (being everywhere at the same time). David…

  • Uzzah’s Sin

    In 2 Samuel 6, a man named Uzzah touches the ark of the covenant and is immediately struck dead by God. After decades this sacred box that was to be…

  • Three Reasons Not to Worry

    All of us are susceptible to worry. When we worry, fear consumes us which means, we are focused on our fear instead of our faith. In Matthew 6, Jesus not…

  • What Makes the Bible Special?

    The Bible is a book unlike any other. Our memory verse for April reads, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and…

  • Let Love Continue

    The love shared between brothers and sisters in Christ is a blessing that comes with being added to the Lord’s church. Brotherly love is the care, concern, and genuine emotional…

  • Pursue Peace

    One of the most challenging instructions found in God’s word is Hebrews 12:14, “Pursue peace with all men…” As we strive to live as faithful and obedient Christians while surrounded…

  • How Is Your Investment?

    With tax season is right around the corner, the stock market regularly reaching all-time highs, and stimulus payments from our government as a normal way of life, our nation’s financial…

  • Connected

    One of the greatest blessings that come with being added to the Lord’s church is being connected, and in the coming year, we plan to focus on some of what…

  • Have You Grown?

    Have You Grown? In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul wrote, “examine yourselves!” As this year began, we were encouraged to stand up tall against a spiritual ruler, set spiritual goals to…

  • No Returns and No Exchanges

    Each December, we buy, give, open, and sometimes return almost countless gifts. As a kid, I remember thinking that every year, at least one item was always broken right out…