Bulletin Article

  • Are You Eager?

    We have all been excited about future events on the calendar like holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries. My kids are constantly reminding me of who’s birthday is coming next and what…

  • How Is Your Investment?

    With tax season is right around the corner, the stock market regularly reaching all-time highs, and stimulus payments from our government as a normal way of life, our nation’s financial…

  • Pray for One Another

    James wrote, “pray for one another” (James 5:16), and while those words were first written to Christians nearly 2,000 years ago, they hold true for us today. We might typically…

  • Connected

    One of the greatest blessings that come with being added to the Lord’s church is being connected, and in the coming year, we plan to focus on some of what…

  • Have You Grown?

    Have You Grown? In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul wrote, “examine yourselves!” As this year began, we were encouraged to stand up tall against a spiritual ruler, set spiritual goals to…

  • No Returns and No Exchanges

    Each December, we buy, give, open, and sometimes return almost countless gifts. As a kid, I remember thinking that every year, at least one item was always broken right out…

  • A Truly Selfless Gift

    One year for Christmas, I gave my little sister a Beatles CD. It was the only Beatles CD that I did not personally own, and one that I desperately wanted.…

  • Today

    The Hebrews writer warns that it is possible for men and women to “fall away from God” (Hebrews 3:12). Some, who were at one time faithful Christians, will give in…

  •  What Do You See?

    If you are sitting in the church building this morning, what do you see around you? How would you describe the person sitting several pews in front of you, the…

  • Be Thankful!

    It is easy to look around us and see many of the problems that might cause us heartache. Regardless of our political, economic, or cultural views, Christians do not fit…