Bulletin Article

  •  The Human Heart

    The heart which pumps the blood through our bodies is a vital organ. The wise man will take care not to damage his heart. The Bible uses the term “heart”…

  • Fifteen Dollars

    What can you buy for fifteen dollars? It would buy two tickets to the movies for a couple to have a night out (at least for seniors). Of course that…

  • The Potential

    While preaching in the city of Corinth, Paul was encouraged by this word from the Lord, “Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with…

  • Clarifying Love

    Love is one of the most misunderstood and abused words in the English language. Some of the most unloving things are done in its name. It is confused with lust,…

  • Self-Pleasing Worship

    The prophet Amos in a message to the kingdom of Israel said, “Come to Bethel, and transgress; at Gilgal multiply transgression.” (Amos 4:4).  Of course, he was speaking tongue-in-cheek.  Neither…

  • The Witness of Nature

      The atheist asks, “Why do you believe in God?”  We answer, “Look up; look around you; just open your eyes.”  The creation itself is ample proof of a creator. …

  • Fear

    Have you ever been terrified? I have: I’ve been hit head-on at highway speed, been attacked by feral dogs on the Navajo reservations, and once had to eat kale. Fear is…

  • “The Least of These”

    In Book of Matthew Jesus gives us a picture of the judgment. (Matthew 25:31-46) In that picture Jesus tells those on His right hand that when He was hungry, thirsty,…

  • World English Institute

    For those of us who have access to a computer, there is an opportunity for international evangelism.  World English Institute has been operating since 1990 and is now so very…

  • Sounding Out the Word

    The church at Thessalonica got off to a rocky start.  The two missionaries, Paul and Silas, who first preached in their city had to flee by night because of persecution.…