Author: Terri Maurer

  • The First Converts

    After His ascension to heaven, the first converts to the Lord’s church obeyed the gospel after hearing a sermon preached by Peter in Acts 2. The Bible describes the incredible…

  • Two Promises

    The Bible is divided into two distinct parts. The Old Testament (Genesis – Malachi) begins with creation and records the history of God’s people up to around 400 years before…

  • Who’s in Charge?

    Whether we like it or not, we are all under someone’s authority. Parents are in charge of children, bosses make rules for employees to follow, and the IRS provides an…

  • What if…?

    What if the Israelites of the Old Testament had remained faithful to God? We know God blessed them with land, wealth, and peace, but more importantly, they were “entrusted with…

  • How We Handle Conflict Matters to God

    While it should never be the case, even Christians have dealt with conflict since nearly the beginning of the Lord’s church. We should expect to have disagreements with those who…

  • Standing on God’s Promise of Peace

    Conflict surrounds us every day. Stories of disagreements between individuals, political parties, and even nations fill our news channels and might cultivate uncertainty and fear. Thankfully, one of God’s greatest…

  • How We Treat Sin Matters to God

    God takes sin seriously, and we should, too. It is our sin that separates us from Him (Isaiah 59:2), can disqualify us from our eternal reward (Hebrews 4:1), and that…

  • How We Treat Others Matters to God

    It is nearly impossible to read the Bible without seeing that God cares about how we treat others. It mattered to God how Cain treated Abel, how Abraham treated Lot,…

  • Our Worship Matters to God

    When Christians assemble “on the first day of every week” (1 Corinthians 16:2), as we might expect, God cares about who, how, and why we worship. God cares about who…

  • Standing on God’s Promise of Prayer

    While promises that give us faith, hope, and comfort fill God’s word, one of the most incredible is His promise to hear and answer our prayers. In Proverbs 15:23, we…